What is a club and what is a workout group?
When you join U.S. Masters swimming, you will be asked to designate a Your LMSC (Wisconsin) and a Club. Most Wisconsin swimmers choose WMAC — the Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club. There are a few other local clubs you can select and your coach or team leader will probably tell you to choose that club. Joining WMAC allows you to swim as the Wisconsin team at USMS Nationals and regional events, and makes you eligible to swim on relays.
You may also select a Workout Group. This is usually the pool and coach that you normally swim with. The selection is optional. (Note: The USMS Club Finder does not distinguish between Club and Workout Group. In addtion Workout Groups can apply for Gold Club status.)
If you are not sure about your Workout Group, leave it blank. Selecting Unattached as a Club means you will have no Club affliation and any swims at Nationals will not count as points for Wisconsin.
Note: All registrations to USMS must be done online. Register at https://www.usms.org/join-usms/join-or-renew
If you are unsure of your registration status, contact our Wisconsin Registrar -- WIRegistrar@usms.org.